Born on the 22nd of May 1979 , South African artist Lee Molenaar spent most of his childhood surrounded by nature. Imposing mountains, Atlantic and Indian oceans, cosy valleys and the vast silent stretches of the Karoo, all had a lasting effect on the way Lee approaches a subject. His fascination with observing the passionate love affair between light and atmosphere was born out of the countless hours he spent studying the effects natural light has on its given environment.
1998 saw Lee moving to Cape Town , where after attempting to study interior design at the local Technikon , he decided to follow his passion for painting an become a full time artist . After a series of collaborative exhibitions, (showing Lee’s paintings and waxwork lighting concepts), trying his hand at commercially farming ostriches and cultivating medicinal herbs for the local traditional healing market, Lee embarked for London in 2003 to establish himself as an professional artist.
Lee’s work: Current Collection | Landscapes | Figure Studies | Still Life | Conceptual & Abstract | Sketches